Help and Assistance |
Citizens Advice Bureau Council Offices, 5 Milton Road, Stowmarket. Tel 01449 676060/676280 |
Hospital West Suffolk Hospital, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds. Tel 01284 713000 |
Mid Suffolk Rethink on
Disability Transport service Dial-a-Ride
Service, Red Gables, Ipswich, Stowmarket, Suffolk. IP14 1BE. Tel 01449 614271 |
Needz Christain Faith Church Project supplying second hand furniture to the needy of Suffolk. Donated furniture required - free collection every Monday. Goods required include carpets, crockery, cots, cutlery, electrical goods, furniture and toys. Tel 01449 737676 |
Parish Council
Allotments Available in two sizes of plot, approx. 30' x 30' at a cost of £4.00 per annum, and approx. 66' x 30' at a cost of £6.00 per annum. Tenancies are renewable annually in April each year. Contact Mre D. Brannick, Parish Clerk. Tel 01359 244134 |
Police Elmswell Police Station, Cooks Road, Elmswell. Tel 01359 240211 |
Refuse Disposal Dustbins: Emptied for the District Council by
contractors (01449 727382) - Thursdays. |
Samaritans Ipswich Tel 01473 211133. This a 24 hour service. |
Tourist Information Mid Suffolk Tourist Information Centre, Wilks Way, Stowmarket. Tel 01449 676800 |
School Bus to Thurston
Upper School Contact Mrs C. Archibald, 65 Bennett Avenue, Elmswell. Tel 01359 242138 |